Nordic Dermatology Association Research Grant 2024

Open for application August 19th-October 13th!

For the fifth consecutive year, the Nordic Dermatology Association (NDA) will offer a NDA Research Grant 2024 (100,000 SEK). Applications will be admitted starting on August 19th, 2024. The grant will be given to one (or split between several) dermatological trainee or either resident or a recently approved specialist in dermatology and venereology (up to three years of clinical experience) working in a Nordic country and who is either a PhD student or a Postdoctoral researcher at their early career. Priority will be given to those who have not received NDA grant previously.

Research projects on dermatological diseases with few funding possibilities and planned Nordic collaboration or mobility involving research visit to another Nordic country are considered advantageous.

The applications will be evaluated by the NDA Research Committee according to their clinical and scientific importance and feasibility.

Applications should be written in English and sent as a single pdf-file including:

  • Short CV, including a list of publications (if any).
  • Short research plan, maximum 3 pages including references (focus on research hypothesis and aims, methods and study relevance).
  • Short description of how the grant will be utilized (budget, and if a plan includes mobility, description of how it will benefit the research project)
  • In case of planned mobility, invitation letter from the welcoming research group leader

Applications not meeting the criterion will not be evaluated.

Researchers receiving a NDA Research Grant are expected to provide an update and preliminary results of their research project to the NDA board within one year.

Applications can be sent between August 19th and October 13th, 2024 to:

Christian Vestergaard                   Teea Salmi

NDA President                                  NDA Research Committee Chair

Former grant recipients


Louise Lönndahl (Sweden): Patients with delusional infestation- investigating neurobiological mechanisms with functional magnetic resonance imaging 

Elisabeth Schrumpf (Norway): Natural killer T cells in hidradenitis suppurativa)


Noora Nilsson (Finland): Comorbidities and effects of dietary treatment with gluten-free diet in dermatitis herpetiformis

Albert Duvetorp (Sweden): PSODEEP 1 – the study of patient reported Koebner in patients with psoriasis and psoriasis arthritis


Laura Krogh Herlin (Denmark): Ectodermal dysplasia in Denmark

Sinja Kristiansen (Sweden): HPV in invasive penile cancer and risk factors and treatment for penile intraepithelial neoplasia


Kristina Viiklepp (Finland): Classical pathway of complement system in cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma

Philip Curman (Sweden): Development of novel treatments for a rare severe skin condition: Darier disease.

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SE-753 12 Uppsala, Sweden
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