About NDA

The Nordic Dermatology Association (NDA) was founded in 1910 and recently celebrated its 100th anniversary. The recollection of 33 Nordic congresses and topics being discussed shows that Nordic dermatology stands on a very solid fundament with a common panorama of skin diseases (100th Anniversary of NDA / Review of the Nordic dermatology Congresses 1986-2008). In order to create equal health care for our patients, we need strong dermatologic societies to ensure that as many patients as possible will receive adequate care. We believe that every national dermatologic society will become more influential with support from the neighbouring Nordic countries.

After the Nordic Congress of Dermatology and Venereology in Tampere in 2013, the NDA board has gathered twice yearly. At the Nordic Congress of Dermatology and Venereology in Trondheim in 2016, the NDA became an association of the five national societies instead of an organisation of all members of the Nordic dermatological societies. Please, see previous newsletters to see how we got there (NDA Newsletters). A statutes committee was founded to propose new bylaws. According to the new statutes, the NDA board will include 14 members and these were elected and presented at the General Assembly of the 33rd Nordic Congress of Dermatology and Venereology in Trondheim.

The NDA sponsors Nordic courses in Dermatology, which contribute to increasing communication and cooperation between young Nordic dermatologists (www.nordicdermatologycourses.org). The courses are arranged by dermatologists in all the Nordics in recognition of the high expertise present. Additionally, a new initiative is to arrange for young researchers from the Nordics to meet and discuss during the meeting of European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology, and to sponsor a yearly NDA lecture in each of the Nordic countries with an expert from one of the other Nordic countries. We have established our Main Office in Uppsala, Sweden, which is administered by Agneta Andersson.

Every three years, the NDA organises a Nordic Congress of Dermatology and Venereology. The last congress took place on in April 2022 in in Copenhagen, Denmark with Prof. Gregor Jemec as the Congress President. The next will be in May 2025 in Helsinki with Prof. Matti-Kähäri as president.

Main Office
S:t Johannesgatan 22A
SE-753 12 Uppsala, Sweden
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