



NORDIC COURSE in Virtual Dermatopathology

Welcome              General information               Programme                   Registration


Local Organizing Committee

Ellen Mooney, M.D., Hafnarfjörður, Iceland

Ismini Vassilaki, M.D., Stockholm, Sweden

Scientific Faculty

Ellen Mooney, M.D. Hafnarfjörður, Iceland,   Ismini Vassilaki, M.D., Stockholm, Sweden

Lisbet Sviland, M.D., Bergen, Norway & Jacqueline Junkins-Hopkins M.D., New York, NY, USA

The participants will get a head start on clinco-pathologic correlation with 8 lectures on both inflammatory dermatoses and tumors. Interesting cases highlighting these lesions will be demonstrated by way of clinical photographs, photomicrographs or state of the art software with and digital histopathological slides in virtual format. On the second day, the participants will complete a multiple choice self-assessment exam using virtual dermatopathology, through software access to relevant cases. The participants will use their own lap-top computers as microscopes and the software enables them to move from low to higher power. Once the questions have been answered, participants verify their submissions of the answers and thereafter they cannot be changed. Brief lectures given by the faculty on key features of the cases will follow. The participants will also get hand-outs in pdf format, with the correct answers to the questions, discussion about the cases presented and references.


Thursday April 27th 2017

8:30 Registration and coffee
9:30 Welcome
9:35 Melanocytic lesions
10:10 Interface dermatitis
10:45 Coffee break
11:00 Neutrophilic dermatoses
11:35 Digital dermatopahology cases & software introduction
12:10 Lunch
13:00 Lymphomas and simulators
13:35 Spongiotic reaction patterns
14:10 Adnexal tumors and variants
14:45 Coffee break
15:00 Skin signs of systemic disease
15:35 Bullous diseases
16:10 Questions and review
16:30 – 17:30 Welcome reception


Friday April 28th 2017

8:00- 9:45 Self-assessment exam
9:45 Coffee break
10:00 -11:40 Review of self assessment exam cases
11:40 Thank you and good bye


Main Office
S:t Johannesgatan 22A
SE-753 12 Uppsala, Sweden
Contact us

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