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Local Organizing Committee

Ellen Mooney, MD, Director, Nordic Institute of Virtual Dermatopathology, Hafnarfjörður, Iceland

Scientific Faculty

Ellen Mooney, MD, Hafnarfjörður, Iceland.
Werner Kempf, Kempf und Pfalz, Histological Diagnostics, Zürich & Dept. of Dermatol., Univ. of Zürich.
Jacqueline M. Junkins-Hopkins, MD, Geisinger Medical Clinic, Danville, PA USA.
Tammie Ferringer, MD, Director of Dermatopathology, Geisinger Medical Clinic, Danville, PA USA.

On 22 October, the programme will begin with an introduction to the software by way of challenging cases using virtual/digital slides. This is followed by informative lectures on various aspects of dermatopathology provided by the faculty, who are board certified in dermatopathology.

In the self-assessment exam on 23 October, the participants will use the digital software and thereby get first hand experience in digital dermatopathology. The software, which is accessible on participants‘ laptop or desktop computers, with Adobe Flash Player (free download), incorporates clinical information, clinical photographs and digital slides, as well as the handouts. The latter will be accessible as PDF‘s after the exam review. Please note that Flash Player cannot be used with a tablet or smartphone.

Due to the fact that two of the speakers are in the USA, the timing had to be adjusted for their convenience


Thursday October 22nd 2020

10:00 (8:00)
10:05 Challenging VDP cases & the software EM
10:35 Granulomatous diseases, WK
11:15 Coffee break
11:25 Sclerotic diseases, EM
12:05 Clues to diagnoses in VDP, EM
12:45 Lunch break
13:30 Panniculitis, JJH
14:10 Brief overview of immunohistochemistry, TF
14:50 Lymphomatoid papulosis, associations & simulators, JJH
15:30 Coffee break
15:45 Clues of Infectious Diseases of the skin, TF
16:25 Vasculitis, JJH
17:05 What’s new in cutaneous adnexal tumors, TF
17:45 Adjourn

Friday October 23rd 2020

10:00 (8:00)
Self-assessment exam
12:00 Lunch break
13:30 Review of Self-Assessment Exam, All speakers
15:00 Closure

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S:t Johannesgatan 22A
SE-753 12 Uppsala, Sweden
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