NDA Course Proposal Form


NDA guidelines for course proposals

The intention of the NDA courses is to provide high quality courses of practical topics, not regularly covered by national organizers, and to support Nordic networking within Dermatology and Venereology.

Who can propose a course?

  • Any member of the national dermatological societies that comprise the NDA. Pharmaceutical companies are not to be involved.

To whom the course proposals should be sent?

  • Information should be sent to the NDA Main Office (info@nordicdermatology.com) from where it will be forwarded to the Educational Committee for assessment.

How many months before the event should a proposal be submitted?

  • A course proposal should be submitted at least nine months in advance.

What attachments are needed for course proposal?

  • The course proposal form, budget, and program of the course with defined aims concerning the knowledge, skills and abilities that should be obtained during the course.

Who decides which courses are accepted?

  • The Educational committee reviews the proposals and recommends courses to the NDA board which makes the final decision.

The economy of the courses

  • First-time course organizers should submit a budget to the Educational Committee for approval. A guarantee sum from the NDA of up to 100,000 SEK is suggested for the first course in the rare case of a deficit following the course. The organizers are encouraged to repeat the course. Repeated courses should be self-funding. Any surplus goes to the organizers or organizing affiliation.
  • Number of participants should be around 50.

Payments of the organizers/teachers/lecturers

  • Speakers can be paid (1000 €), and travelling can be reimbursed.

Practical organization of the course

  • It is recommended that a professional congress organizer is hired to take care of the practical arrangements.

To whom should the courses be directed?

  • The overwhelming majority of participants at the course should be from Nordic countries, and the title of the course should clearly indicate this (ex: Nordic course on….).

How should the courses be evaluated?

  • The course organizer collects evaluations from the participants and sends final a report containing summary of the feedback to the NDA office which forwards the evaluations to the Educational Committee.

Who informs the potential participants?

  • The courses should be advertised by the NDA website, Forum for Nordic Dermatology and Venereology as well as the national dermatological societies. Professional organisers may contribute to the spreading of information.

How should repeated courses be arranged?

  • The organizers should inform the Educational committee if they are interested in repeating the course, and a suggested date should be approved by the Educational Committee.


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S:t Johannesgatan 22A
SE-753 12 Uppsala, Sweden
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