
3rd Nordic Course in Virtual Dermatopathology: October 22–23, 2020 online – Registration is now closed!

The course is intended for trainees and specialists in dermatology, pathology and dermatopathology. The focus is on clinical-pathologic correlation using virtual (digital) slides and the course is more advanced than the basic dermatopathology courses in Nordic dermatology residencies. 

Participants will be introduced to the digital software, followed by informative lectures by the faculty on various aspects of dermatopathology.

In the self-assessment exam, participants will get first-hand experience using their laptops to access the software, which contains cases with clinical information and photographs, as well as digital slides. This will be followed by case discussions by the speakers.

Further information on the Programme, Venue and Registration is available here.

We extend a warm welcome to you to join us in Reykjavik and hope to see you there.

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