



NORDIC COURSE in Virtual Dermatopathology

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We welcome you to the Nordic Course in Virtual Dermatopathology 27-28 April 2017, in Reykjavik, Iceland.

This course is directed towards trainees and specialists in dermatology, pathology and dermatopathology and the focus is on clinco-pathologic correlation using virtual (digital) slides.

“Virtual microscopy” is the software manipulation of high-definition digital images of tissue sections, which simulates examination of glass slides under a standard microscope, also called whole slide imaging (WSI), see example http://vdpmaterial.nivdp.com/dsb/webViewer.php?snapshotId=1385997412 Using this software, which is accessible on a lap top with Flash Player, it is possible to incorporate clinical information, clinical photographs and handouts. Therefore, it is quite useful for independent study (e-learning) in clinco-pathologic correlation and the software can provide instant real-time feedback, allowing learners to assess their own performance in the self-assessment exam.

At the end of the session participants should be able to effectively use Virtual Dermatopathology and related software in examinations, consultations, and CME programs, as well as utilizing them as an educational tool in medical student and post graduate training.

This course will be useful preparation for future changes, since the US Food and Drug Administration is expected to approve WSI for routine surgical pathological/dermatopathological diagnosis, to replace diagnosis using conventional light microscopy. Once approved, regulatory agencies in other countries will certainly follow suit. You can find more information about the programme here.

We look forward to welcoming you in popular Reykjavik in April, a time when the prices of flights and accommodations are still quite favourable!

Ellen Mooney and Ismini Vassilaki


Course secretariat: Athygli ráðstefnur, Síðumúli 28, 108 Reykjavík. Tel 354 568 2800 http://www.athygliradstefnur.is/

nivdp-geyser nivdp-glacier nivdp-waterfall
Courtesy of Meet in Reykjavik Courtesy of Meet in Reykjavik  Courtesy of Meet in Reykjavik


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S:t Johannesgatan 22A
SE-753 12 Uppsala, Sweden
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